
Here is the list of things I have worked on... in the last 2 years of my software engineering career

A something about me first 🤸

  • I ~~love~~ live problem-solving.🔧
  • I love automation.🏗️
  • I like writing python🐍 scripts, bash scripts, and google app scripts.
  • I am a "Never Say Never" kind of person, who is always looking for contributing and helping anyone who reaches out.
  • I love to be understood, often because of this my colleagues and friends say that I can be a good teacher or instructor. I am okay with taking 10 extra steps for explaining a problem/theory/solution to its core. Not just to solve a problem but understand why it occurred in the first place.
  • This list is becoming long so, I am planning to come up with a timeline-like design.

This is where it starts

First Year

  • Deployed a PHP application MRBS, not really used since we had a solution from google suite
  • worked with processing and understood "how-to programming".🖥️
  • Worked on genetic algorithms (Darwinism)
  • Worked on Edge-ML using raspberry and intel-neural-compute-stick and built 5 class image classification model.
  • Worked with spaCy (open-source NLP) and built a model with 26% accuracy for an open challenge. (I know it's low, best achieved was 34%... bring this up and we will talk about the problem statement and possible solutions that we could have done.)
  • I have good hands-on with python, Jupiter notebooks. (Sometimes I use Jupyter while developing scripts as well, it reduces development time.)
  • Worked on the serverless backend using AWS and Chalice framework. (My first intro to backend and API building, up until this point.. the word API gave me chills.)
  • Worked on Cloud Resource Provisioning (Jenkins, Terraform, and Cloud-CLI tools)
  • Worked with Angular as well for better communicating with UI devs.

Second Year

  • Worked with Stripe payments APIs for accepting payments.
  • Worked on AWS Lambda function as serverless computing. (Yes! without even working on server-based backends.)
  • Worked on DynamoDB and started designing NoSQL queries. (I write more efficient queries now.)
  • Worked on data modeling. (One table for 1 application and manage everything through queries.)
  • AWS Cognito based Authentication and Authorization (Welcome to OAuth)
  • Worked with 3rd party integrations such as WeatherStack, MapBox, Stripe for personal project and so many more for my company projects.
  • Participated in a house hackathon and worked on backend and a React-Native app (we built a secure server-side face recognition authentication system, with just a simple trick.) Congratulations, team! (@dhana, @Swathi, @Anjaneya) We got the 2nd price. 👑
  • Started GraphQL (because we don't need Lambda's for basic CRUD operations.)
  • Knows how to write Swagger and OpenAPI documentations. 📝
  • Worked on static website hosting. (are you still deploying swagger in EBS ?)
  • Designed and built the infrastructure for a Contact tracing application like aarogya setu (failed twice due to heavy egress charges, they say third time is a charm.)
  • Introduction to google app scripts for automating day-to-day tasks.
  • Worked on integrating Decentralized Identity Management solution (Blockchain)
  • Built a ticketing system app. An e-pass for office access using AWS serverless and React-native.
  • Finally, worked on NodeJS express server application and Heroku deployment.
  • Worked with Cassandra database (best-in-class distributed database with almost linear scalability.), I am a certified associate developer and DBA for cassandra.
  • Jenkins, I have worked with Jenkins, agents, jobs, pipelines, CI/CD.
  • I have worked with Github Actions as well. (Automation phase 3, that's what they call it.)
  • I worked with React to finish my journey as a full-stack dev.
  • After completing that, I started writing this blog.
  • I built my API Resume and hosted it on 4 different places as OpenAPI Docs.
  • I worked with FastAPIs for building Python APIs.
  • I worked with oAuth, federated signin and JWTs for authentications. (Who is Mr. Identity?)
  • I am exploring AWS-CDK very closely these days, apart from setting up AWS-SAM local testing.


  • Can build durable cloud functions. (Serverless orchestrations!)
  • Can do data manipulations in Azure data factory.
  • I have worked with AWS SAM. (I prefer AWS Amplify though!)
  • I have worked with Socket.io to build a real-time chat application.
  • I have built a chatbot using google dialogue flow. (It's called SecretSanta Bot🎅 and it's available on telegram)

My mentors

Thanks, @waseem, you found me in the crowd, understood my skills gave me the right track, introduced me to the right people, and give me the career boost I needed. You are one of the best people I have worked with. Your leadership is inspirational.

Thanks, @dhana, for being the mentor and the lead I needed. You taught me how to chase perfection and how to break down complex problems. One of the key things I that you taught me was the importance of "naming convention" and writing documentation. You pushed me for my first tech talk. I will always be grateful to you for my communication and teamwork skills.  (Break it until you make it, DRY, TDD).

Thanks, @sanjay sir for recognizing my potential, when I was just a college guy and making me a part of our @Atmecs family.